Monday, January 23, 2006

We Hate Our Freedom

One of President Bush's favorite assertions has long been that the terrorists hate Americans for our freedom. "They hate our freedoms," he said in his famous post-Sept. 11 speech.

Well, apparently, we hate our freedoms, too.

In the latest CNN/USA Today/Gallup Poll, taken Jan. 6-8, in answer to the question, "Do you think the Bush Administration has gone too far, has been about right, or has not gone far enough in restricting people's civil liberties in order to fight terrorism?" 40% said "about right," while 19% said "not far enough."

In that same poll, 50% said the NSA's warrantless wiretapping was OK, vs. 46% who said it wasn't.

In the latest Washington Post/ABC News Poll, taken Jan. 5-8, in response to the question,
"What do you think is more important right now -- for the federal government to investigate possible terrorist threats, even if that intrudes on personal privacy; or for the federal government not to intrude on personal privacy, even if that limits its ability to investigate possible terrorist threats?" 65% said "investigate," vs. just 32% who said "not intrude on privacy."

In that same poll, 64% said the government was intruding on privacy, and 49% said privacy intrusions were justified, vs. 46% who said it was not justified.

In that same poll, 51% said the NSA's warrantless wiretapping was OK, vs. 47% who said it wasn't.

In the latest CBS News poll, taken Jan. 5-8, respondents showed much more concern about violations of civil liberties. But 49% said the NSA's warrantless wiretapping was OK, vs. 48% who said it wasn't, and 49% said there should be no Congressional hearings about it, vs. 46% who said there should.

In the latest Pew Research Poll, taken Jan. 4-8, in response to the question, "What concerns you more about the government's anti-terrorism policies -- that they have not gone far enough to adequately protect the country, OR, that they have gone too far in restricting the average person's civil liberties?" 46% said "not far enough," vs. 33% who said "too far."

In that same poll, 49% said the NSA's warrantless wiretapping was OK, vs. 48% who said it wasn't.

All of these results, and more, can be found at

We get the leaders we deserve.

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