Thursday, January 20, 2005

Is Lieberman Leaving the Faction?

Josh Marshall has Joe Lieberman in his Faint-Hearted Faction. But tonight on the Daily Show, he seemed to write his ticket off that island. I don't have a verbatim transcript or anything, but he said something to the effect of "Let's leave Social Security alone. It's one of the best things we've ever done, and we should be able to encourage private investment without altering Social Security." Again, that's not verbatim, but that's the jist of what he said.

I see that Josh has been getting a lot of e-mails from other people about the show, too. I'm taping it tonight, so I can get his exact language. I'm sure the more technologically-advanced people with TiVos will beat me to it.

Anyway, it's very encouraging to see Lieberman line up with the forces of good. More evidence of the dynamic discussed in an article in the new New York magazine. More on that in a minute.

Update: Sure enough, Josh has the TiVo transcript: "Lieberman: Social Security protection - don't fool around with it. It's probably the best thing the government has done in 100 years, getting senior citizens out of poverty - Stewart: You're not just saying that 'cuz you're getting older? Lieberman: (laughs) Yes that's one reason I'm saying it, but if we want to add some extra savings opportunities for baby boomers and those younger, let's find another way to do it without messing around with Social Security."

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