Saturday, March 05, 2005

Your Tax Dollars at Work, or George W. Bush is a Rat Bastard

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Rat Bastard

When you're filling out your form 1040 this tax season, keep this in mind:

"A new Social Security war room inside the Treasury Department is pumping out information to sell President Bush's plan, much like any political campaign might do. It's part of a coordinated effort by the Bush administration.

"The internal, taxpayer-funded campaigning is backed up by television advertisements, grass-roots organizing and lobbying from business and other groups that support the Bush plan."

After more than four years of these thugs running the country, my outrage meter is more worn-out and desensitized than Jenna Jameson's labia, but it spiked upon reading this.

I am paying my hard-earned tax dollars to help these criminals destroy my retirement security. Sickening.

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