Monday, April 11, 2005

Tom DeLay vs. a Sack of Shit

Hey everybody, it's time for a PBR Street Gang Selebrity (sic) Smackdown!

For our first pair of battling celebrities, we're pitting House Majority Leader Tom DeLay versus a Sack of Shit!

Mr. DeLay is in a whole heap o' trouble because the liberal media hates unborn babies and Terri Schiavo and loves a culture of death and making fun of Christians! A sack of shit is just a sack of shit.

Let's get ready to rrrrrrruuuummbbbllllllllle!!!

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Tom DeLaySack of Shit
Smell"Just like the Beltway itself," says the WSJ op/ed pageShitShit
LookFrightens childrenAmuses childrenShit
SoundTexas twangNoneShit
TasteDesperation, sweat, moneyShitDraw
FeelLeathery, coolWarm and squishy to dry and crustyDeLay
ProsExchanges oxygen for carbon dioxide, helps plants grow; kills bugsDecomposes, helps plants grow; attracts bugsDeLay
ConsCorrodes democratic institutions, discourse; unwelcome at partiesUnwelcome at partiesShit

Well, there you have it: despite a late charge by Tom DeLay, in the end he couldn't overcome the sack of shit. And think about it: if you had to choose between hanging out with Tom DeLay or hanging out with a sack of shit, that would be an easy choice, wouldn't it?

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