Monday, February 28, 2005

You Can't Spell "Douchebag" Without "LaVorgna"

The Wall Street Journal's Mark Whitehouse has an excellent breakdown today (subscription required) of how it's going to be extremely difficult, if not well-nigh impossible, for GDP to grow at the rate the Soc. Sec. trustees assume it will (1.9% per year), at the same time stock returns grow at the rate Chimpy McSmirkalot says they will in order to justify the usefulness of his privatization scheme (6.5% per year).

The story also includes this chart, compiling a list of economists' projections for the average annual stock return rate for the next 44 years:

You'll notice that Joe LaVorgna, who, when the Bush administration says "Bend over," he asks, "How far?" fully agrees with the concept that stocks will return 6.5% per year for the next 44 years. Goodness, what a surprise. I don't know what Jeremy Siegel's deal is, but he's predicting 6%. It's possible he believes economic growth will be stronger than 1.9%. LaVorgna, on the other hand, will fully support the trustees' projection for GDP growth, even as he predicts a tax-cut fueled economic boom that will span the next five-hundred years. He has neither credibility nor shame.

Anyway, that aside, the article is really good. Basically, in order for stocks to grow at the 6.5% per year the administration promises, the economy would have to grow much faster than 1.9% per year. If the economy grows at that rate, then Social Security's problems will be greatly reduced -- perhaps even eliminated.

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