Thursday, August 26, 2004

Putting Nixon to shame

Noel Koch, a Vietnam vet who served in both the Nixon and Reagan White Houses and saw Bob Dole turned into a Republican hatchet man, expresses his disgust with Dole's attacks on Kerry in a biting op-ed in the Washington Post:

"Time in-country, how often a man was wounded, how much blood he shed when he was wounded -- it is hurtful that those who served in Vietnam are being split in so vile a fashion, and that the wounds of that war are reopened at the instigation of people who avoided serving at all. It is hurtful that a man of Bob Dole's stature should lend himself to the effort to dishonor a fellow American veteran in the service of politics at its cheapest."

"Politics at its cheapest" -- the Bush tactics are making even veterans of the Nixon White House blanch.

Link via Josh Marshall.

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