Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Thank God for the Daily Show

Jon Stewart tore Rep. Henry Bonilla a new asshole last night when Bonilla tried to trot out the tired (but almost always unchallenged) claim that John Kerry is the "most liberal Senator in the Senate."

When Stewart asked him where he got that idea, Bonilla cited vague "groups." When Stewart pressed him for specifics, Bonilla continued to simply name "groups," such as "trial lawyer groups."

Stewart finally answered the question for him, telling him the National Journal is usually the source for that figure and pointing out that the same National Journal says Kerry is, over his career in the Senate, actually to the right (not the left) of Ted Kennedy and that Edwards, often called by the GOPers the #4 liberal in the Senate, is actually to the right of the average Democratic Senator.

Kos has helpfully provided a transcript.

Sadly, though, Janeane Garofolo, speaking for the good guys, was similarly skewered by Sean Hannity, as the Daily Howler points out (also providing a transcript, at the very bottom of his post). She rightly said that Kerry was not the Senate's most liberal member, but she had no citation to back that up.

As Bob Somerby put it, this is how the Dems could lose this election -- by not being any sharper than the opposition.

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