Monday, August 23, 2004

Shut your Viagra hole, Bob

Bob Dole helpfully weighs in on Kerry's war record, suggesting Kerry should apologize for things he said about Vietnam vets 30 years ago and accusing Kerry of being sent home early for getting three wussified Purple Hearts.

Updated to add: Bob Somerby says that Dole also said, in an interview with Pup Blitzer, that “There's got to be some truth to the charges ... because not every one of these people can be Republican liars."

First, Bob, Kerry has nothing to apologize for, and you damn well know it. In his Congressional testimony way back when, Kerry was simply relaying the testimony of other vets about things they'd seen and done. He made no direct accusations. This is the record. No amount of pretending will change it.

Second, Kerry didn't give himself his Purple Hearts. He got them, fair and square, and they sent him home early because of them. How this is his fault, I have no idea.

Third, several of these slimeballs have been proven to be "Republican liars," over and over again. Perhaps reading a newspaper -- the Washington Post will suffice, for starters -- or two would set you straight.

Fourth, Bob, your hapless foray into this minefield reveals you for the partisan hack that you are, and the strings attached to your back, the strings that lead up into the rafters, where Karl Rove manipulates you to do his will, are showing.

Finally, say goodbye to your credibility, or whatever of it you had left. You and the Swift Boat Liars are willfully and knowingly deceiving the American public, contributing to the deterioration of our discourse. When our republic crumbles, you will bear some of the burden.

Update: Bob Somerby puts it incomparably well today, in his discussion of this depressing debate: "Can we really keep our democracy? As the game is now being played, it seems we’ve already given up."

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